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Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Folding Spacetime - a Sci-Fi ??

Deja-vu – starring Denzel Washington as ATF Agent Doug Carlin investigating a terrorist attack on Port Algiers in New Orleans, the intriguing part here is that, the joint FBI investigation using the latest technology satellite image that can pan 3D, looking at you from every angle from above. Now as far as I know, most of the time, when the US of A government possess any new hi tech equipment, the way they use to incept the usage of those technology slowly into the public acceptance is by highlighting those technologies in movies, if you remember the movie “Enemy of the States” starring Will Smith and Gene Hackman, it was about using hi tech satellite surveillance technology to monitor the enemy. And trust does exist. Now if they really did developed such enhanced surveillance, imagine this, any government in the world that can monitor u from the sky are able to look at you while you are bathing IN 3D, freaky eh?? Hmm…as far as I know, any satellite deployed above the earth are only able to look down unto the earth 180 Deg vertically, but in 3D mode, I doubt so, if they really are able to developed such tech, it will be damn freaky…

Now here is the interesting part… the Surveillance technologies in this movie, is not surveillance but some sort of a “time machine”, which they use to walkthrough a specific point in time in the past in 3D. this can be achieved by folding spacetime. Travelling from one point to another point through a distance is relative to time, given a constant speed. If we put 2 point on a paper, Point A (past) and Point B (present) and draw a straight line between these 2 point to represent distance. To travel between these 2 point in time, the fastest way is to fold the paper into half and having this 2 point touching each other, thus creating a wormhole.

how can we fold spacetime ? this can be done by putting masses to apply pressure on any part of the universe will eventually push this 2 part of the universe together to create a tunnel between, which is call a wormhole.

My thoughts were broken into 2 options :

1) What if the Satellite technology has advance to such that they can pan in 3D at any point on earth, I will be god damn!, have we realized that bit by bit , day by day, our personal information is being stored into some sort of chip ? our bankard, EMV Visa Master, MyKard and god knows what else is coming, while I am working in IT line, I never do fancy having all my information stored electronically in any chip, at least not all..i wish to retain some independence way of from IT.

2) Now if Time travel do exist, what would I do ? would I travel a thousand years back to the time of the Wallaces? The Henries ?? the Elizabeths? The Qings or the Vikings? Just to see how life is like during that period of time, I always wanted to know what is life like living in those time. Or would I travel to any point in my life in the past to make right what went wrong?

You see, what makes us all beautiful is that We are doomed the day we were born, we can never live the same moment in life twice, so each moment in our life might be the last moment of our life, that is because we were doomed.. a food for thoughts??

The funny thing is that, I wrote this thoughts down last nite, but one wrong press of a button deleted everything..and here I am writing this down again, Dejavu!!!!

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Mein Kampf - My struggle

Mein Kampf or "my struggle", a book that the famous Adolf Hitler reportedly "wrote", which unlikely can be bought from any bookstores in malaysia. A book that i have been trying to get my hands on for many years, finally i have the opportunity to read this book , thanks to dan :)

well, dan and i have been debating about the idealogy of this infamous Führer of the 3rd reich of the germans. was he a great leader or a dark legacy that the people of germany is trying to forget ?? well if you talk to many germans in the present days, they will want to forget about the pain and suffering that hitler has brought to the world which so much affected the entire german population. in the book he talked about the supreme race, the Aryan race. what is the Aryan race? according to his book , the aryan race is the human race that has the physical appearance of fair skin, blonde hair and blue eyes and assert as the supreme form of human being or A.K.A "the master race" and he himself is the leader of this race ?? ..hmm..funny...the last time i checked , hitler got dark hair... :)

i am trying very hard to finish this book but i am still on chapter 2 of this book. it is an interesting book and perhaps more debates between myself and dan will help me to finish up this book even faster

what to blog?

hmm...blogging for the first time, am still thinking, how and what to blog about....???
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